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And self-love?

Self-love means loving yourself through it all.

To me, self-love is really close to self-care. It’s about accepting the person that you have been, appreciating and being proud of the person you are now. It’s about knowing your worth and that you are worthy.

It’s about seeking growth, seeking to be the best version of yourself and showing the same love to yourself, that you are showing others. Let’s be real – how many times do most of us get up to care of our loved ones, even if we aren’t in the mood? How many times do we do that for ourselves? That’s what it’s all about.

Self-love is about self-respect. If we stick to self-care, we are respecting ourselves to then – love ourselves. That might be a bit confusing. Let me share an example.


You come home from a long day of work and decide to not go to the gym today, because you are way too tired and lazy. Even though you know it makes you feel better physically and mentally, you decide not to do it.

Not only are you ignoring the need of your body and your mind - but you are disrespecting yourself, by not meeting your own needs.

On another day, you come home from work – same situation. After you decide not to go to the gym, to take CARE of yourself, your friend is calling and asking if you could meet her/him to talk, because something happened. You didn’t even hang up yet and are already on your way, because you love your friend so much and really want to be there to help. Do you see?

You have so much love and respect for that person, that you make it happen immediately. That’s what you need for yourself too! The same love.

Self-love is about respecting yourself and your needs. It’s about giving your emotions room and letting them out without judgement (and without giving a shit about the judgement of others, but make sure not to hurt them!). It’s about failing and trying again. It’s about messing up, but then forgiving yourself and loving yourself enough to be able to move forward.

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