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"The pain that sparks creativity."


Whatever brings us emotional pain, can somehow spark creativity in us. Doing something creative can help us process the pain that we are feeling. There are many outlets that people use to deal with their painful situations. Typical examples are writing, painting, singing or dancing. There are so many other creative outlets. What helps depends on the individual. It is amazing what people can create through hurtful events. Sometimes when I see people sharing their painful outlets through their art, it makes me cry. Some people create the best pieces, through their deepest pain.

I’ve seen people dance and perform a scene of how they lost someone, I’ve heard people speak about their trauma at poetry slams, I’ve read stories from people who went through extremely painful events. All of these stirred up emotions, gave me strength and left me with pure amazement about what pain can awaken in us.


I tried many different things in life, not specifically to deal with pain, but while I tried things I learned that those could be helpful to deal with emotional pain, or anxiety as well. When I go through tough phases writing definitely helps me. Just writing down what is going on, maybe even making a poem out of it and reflect on the situation that is making me feel upset.  


But be aware that making the pain disappear through creative outlets doesn’t necessarily mean that you process. Sometimes we think, that we are dealing with the situations that hurt us, through our creative outlets, but what we are actually really doing is pushing it away. I did that with one certain situation in my life, that caused severe emotional pain for a long time. I lost someone in my life who was really important to me and started keeping myself busy all the time, tried to use creative outlets as much as possible, but did not really use these to process. I thought that was the way for me to deal with it, after I realized that for several years I actually just pushed it away from me.


If this is for you, you might want to reconsider if what you’re doing really helps you process and heal, or if you’re instead just pushing the pain away.

Creative outlets are a wonderful option to deal with emotional pain, anxiety and a beautiful way to really express yourself fully. 

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