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I remember one time when I asked my dear followers about topics, they would like me to write about, someone asked me to write about self-love and self-care. Well, it took me a while, but here it comes: (These topics could fill lots of pages, but I will try to keep it short)

Let’s start with self-care.

It seems like this is a topic that everyone knows about, since you see it all over the internet.

A typical Pinterest article about self-care-Sunday would be – read, sit on the couch, and have a hot cup of tea, do yoga, stretch a little, go on a nice walk – or whatever. You see all those Instagram pictures of bathtubs with candle lights, of motivational quotes, or skin care products.

Well, let’s get this straight.

First, of all self-care is not just for Sundays. Self-care is an everyday TASK.

Yes, I said task. Of course, you should get your lotion on, so your skin doesn’t crack. Of course, you should have some tea if it makes you feel good and YES - I also recommend taking a bath or a shower occasionally. But if we want to talk about the deeper meaning of self-care, that most people are trying to talk about, but in the end only make it to a beautiful Instagram picture that shows either their cup of tea, or their face with some moisturizer on it, we need to do some more talking.

I already said it. To me, self-care is a task. It means work. It means working on yourself, to take better care of yourself. Self-care can be a bitch. It can be tough. It can mean, digging deep to get to the bottom of what hasn’t been great for you, to be able to understand, make a change, and do better from now on. Self-care means saying no (even if it’s hard). It means standing up for yourself and doing what is GOOD FOR YOU. Self-care means reflecting on your life and figuring out, what could help you feel better. It means taking care of yourself, respecting your own boundaries, finding out what your own boundaries are, listening to your body and taking a break if needed. Self-care is also about working out. Taking care of your body, eating healthy, drinking lots of water. Self-care is confronting yourself with the stuff you have been through and after that – carrying yourself through it with compassion and kindness. Self-care means TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR WELL-BEING. It’s about meeting yourself at the point where you are at and building yourself up. You don’t know how?

Self-care means, if you don’t know how to do it alone, you are going to get help. It means asking for help, seeking advice, getting inspired by others, to then turn it into something that will help you figure out a way to take care of yourself, to make you feel better.

Self-care is huge. It is so much more than what is presented to us on the surface. It is important for our lives and for the lives of the people around us - you wonder why? Because so many of us are trying to take care of others, but tend to forget, that they need to take care of themselves first.


And self-love?

I will talk about that next time.

Until then - take care of yourself :)

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