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"Everything is positive, isn't it?"

Life is amazing! Isn't it?


While scrolling through social media many of us are exposed to a lot of these motivational quotes and inspiring messages. I have to admit, I'm a fan of them too and I love to spread some positive vibes. On the other hand - what I can see in reality are stressed people, people struggling because of different reasons. I see people hiding behind masks. I see people with major insecurities.

Can you imagine how the world would look like, if things were as positive as they seem on social media? 

Are we making an effort, trying to create this encouraging atmosphere? 

When we go to the store, or walk down the street, are we spreading positive energy, like we do on social media?

If we all want to be motivated and positive people we need to fully commit to it. It would be amazing, if we could carry this attitude not only in the virtual, but also in the real world. In order to do that, we need to regularly remind ourselves of the encouraging words we read or even posted on social media. If we tell each other kind words on social media, why not in real life?

We would bless others with words of affirmation, we could bring some light in someone's cloudy day. Even if it might feel awkward in the beginning - the outcome is beautiful and relevant!


When I said we need to fully commit and remind ourselves, I also meant, not letting one (in our eyes) negative situation during our day, affect our entire day. I can give you an example.

One day, I remember I sat in the car with a child that I took care of. I had an amazing afternoon planned out, with a picnic outside etc. Shortly before we arrived at our destination the child vomited in the car. My first reaction was - why does this happen to me?

My second thought was "Come on, it's not that bad, that happens. Let's clean up and move on."

Once I started cleaning I laughed and made jokes about the situation. 

I could've chosen to let this ruin my plans, or even my day, but I did not. In fact, I only had to clean it, but the child was the one who suffered most in the situation.

Reflecting on the situation and seeing how I reacted and switched my mindset made me feel good. It felt like a success. It's the little things.. 


Now it's your turn - I'm going to CHALLENGE YOU! 

Instead of showing off your beautiful smile on social media today, give five strangers outside a smile. Maybe at the bus stop, at the coffee shop, wherever. Can you do it?

Spread some positivity!

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