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"Look beyond your surroundings."

Our environment has a great impact on our lives, our decisions, our motivations. It has a great impact on our way of thinking.


I recently had a conversation with two people, both in their twenties, from different places and completely different environments. There was one thing that they had in common. They thought that they would not be able to pursue what they really want, because of responsibilities and obligations. Both of them are dealing with different issues, are in different circumstances, but the thoughts of being limited and stuck are the same.

For one of them I know for sure that these thoughts come from situations the person has been through and that the person still faces. I cannot speak too much for the other person. Anyways, here is what I want to say:


The environment we live in shapes us a lot. The people that we surround ourselves with, our families, our friends, coworkers. In fact it influences us so much, that whatever we hear and see, is most of the times what we believe. I myself experienced that. Once I came to the United States I realized, what I really like, what I am capable of, I discovered and learned so much about myself, because my environment has changed. Suddenly I was by myself, without the opinions of others, without anyone telling me what they think I can do and cannot. I started seeing life differently, I started seeing things about myself, that I haven’t been able to see before. Before I came to the US, I have been in the same situation as both of the people I mentioned in the beginning. I felt stuck, did not know how to make my dream a reality, felt like it was impossible because of obligations and responsibilities. Now I know that it was false. And I wish both of the people would be able to see it too. I wish everyone who thinks that way would see it. We are not limited or stuck. If there is something that we feel in our hearts we need to do, if there is something that we desire, we should follow that desire. It will take time, but the outcome will be worth it. In order to get there, we need to free ourselves from the thought of limitations and from letting others opinions come in our way. If we are surrounded by people who don’t believe in us, we need to step back. I mean, how can we get where we want, if the people we call friends, our partners, or family do not believe in us?

It is hard. It is possible, but it is extremely difficult.  


Free yourself from what is limiting you. Look for ways that will help you get where you want, achieve what you want. If what you desire is right and in God’s will, then doors will open.

I’m not saying you have to leave the country you live in and start somewhere else the way I did, to get to know yourself better, even though I believe it really helps. But we all should have the ability to change our environments, say no to relationships that bring us down, or take a step back, to fully get to know ourselves, our desires and follow the dreams we have.

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