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Some people invest lots of their energy in their work, in caring for others, in so many things, that at some point they need to recharge, in order to gain energy and find inner balance. Meanwhile, what I am observing, is that some people develop a tendency to forget to take moments to recharge, or simply don’t do it because they feel a constant pressure of functioning. There are as many different reasons for this phenomenon as there are individuals out in this world. No matter in which area of life, there seems to be a constant pressure of obligation in the background, which keeps some of us doing things on a regular basis without taking breaks. This might go well for a while – but it won’t work forever. Don’t get me wrong at this point – of course we all have certain responsibilities, but there are differences between things that we really need to do and things we feel like we are obligated to do. At some point our bodies and minds will tell us how much is enough. While we are trying to accomplish 500 things in one day, after we already spent our time taking care of 8000 other things the last 3 days, our bodies will show us signs, to remind us that it's time to take a break. Sometimes, even though our bodies send us these signals, some people choose to move forward and ignore their needs. I once wrote about self-love on this blog, and THIS is a part of it. LISTENING to our bodies and RESPECTING our own feelings and boundaries – and with that… respecting ourselves.

In a world where the 24/7 hustle is being praised and capitalistic structures rule our society, dominating our everyday lives – the individual feelings and boundaries are easily overlooked and disappear in the background. While scrolling through social media in the midst of another busy day, some of us admire pictures of people resting and spending time in beautiful places to recharge, while neglecting their own needs to take a break. They tend to think that they have so many obligations, or tasks that need to be accomplished by them, that they keep themselves from recharging and feel like there is no way out. When in reality, there would be other solutions / people who could help to get tasks done.  Also, some things aren’t really that important anyway. Setting priorities plays a huge role in this situation too. In my opinion our first priority should be our health, which brings me back to the point of self-love and self-respect.


At some point we need to ask ourselves –

How are we supposed to give, if there’s nothing left?


If we try to focus on something or someone, when our batteries are low, it will be hard to really stay focused and present. In this case no one is actually gaining anything, because the chances of achieving a good result in whatever way / situation are very low.

We have so much more to offer once we are well rested and recharged. With that being said – take your time to breathe. Take your time to sort yourself out, to make new plans, to restructure, to relax and to gain energy. Especially if you would like to help others (take a look at my last post), you will need energy and inner balance to be able to give and to be fully present. The time people need to recharge is different for everyone. While writing this, I’m also considering, that not everyone has the options / the privilige to always take their time to relax and to get the space to recharge. All of us live in different situations and are confronted with different circumstances.

Which brings me back to my last post: If you see someone around you in need of some time to recharge, you could help them by giving them the room for it. Take your friends’ baby out for a stroll, pick up your grandmothers’ groceries, help your partner to keep your home tidy. Whatever it may be.

We can all make a big difference, by doing small things for others and we can do that best, once we are feeling comfortable and healthy.   

Take care of yourselves and make your well-being a priority.



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