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"Choosing your words wisely."

The past couple years I have been hearing and reading a certain phrase many times. It’s a phrase that in fact really doesn’t make much sense to me.


 “I hate people.”


I have been hearing this sentence so often from different people, that I got the impression that it just turned into a new mainstream phrase. As if it would be cool to hate people.

Since I am a person that really cares about and loves other people, it is unfortunate to hear that. What I noticed about the people who said it, was that all of them had functional relationships with either a partner, friends, or family. Now here is what doesn’t make sense to me: If you have good friends, a family that you love, or you are in a romantic relationship – how can you hate people? Those people are people as well. I guess some of the “haters” might now say, “well I don’t mean all people”. If that’s the case, I would give you the advice to first of all choose your words wisely, since hate is a strong word and next, to overthink the word hate again. Do you really hate people?

Hating people won’t lead us anywhere. There is so much hate in this world that leads to destruction, pain, fear and other terrible things. Hate makes our hearts feel heavy, it takes up so much energy, that could be invested in different things. How can we be productive and grow in our lives, if we carry hate in our hearts and claim to hate others?

We need relationships to connect with others, to be able to work together, to be successful in life, to grow and most importantly to be happy in our lives.

Why don’t we stop hating and instead make a difference and delete these negative phrases from our minds?

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