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"Brush it off."



Whatever hurt us – at some point it is time to brush it off.

Time to let go. Time to enjoy your life again, without thinking about the pain that creates a stomach ache. Time to move forward. Time to forgive.


Just recently I had a conversation with somebody. We were talking about how important it is to let go and brush things off, that are dealt with. He demonstrated it with little sticky notes. I loved that demonstration. If we let everything, big things as well as little things, sticking to our hearts and bodies like little sticky notes and we never brush them off after we dealt with them, at some point our entire body will be covered with all the painful words, or situations that we’ve heard or we’ve been through. Not only will it make us unhappy, but it will make us blind too. Blind to the fun and beautiful things in life. It will hold us back from creating new, beautiful relationships, because we will still see people through the lense of the broken relationships we once had and the pain that those caused. It will hold us back from living in the present, because we are covered in the pain of the past and if that is all over us, how will we be able to see and reach for what’s right in front of us, or dream about what could lay ahead of us?


It is okay to feel pain. You know, for some people it takes longer to deal with things, than for others. That’s okay too. But – after you got over the situation, or the words that have caused you to suffer – brush them off. Let them go. Grow from them. Be grateful for the lesson and for all the material it brought you, but only take the pieces that will help you in a positive way with you. Burn the others, because they will take up unnecessary space. Feel the weight lifting from your body, feel the freedom of letting go of your sorrows. Your life is precious. Live it in the present. Look forward to the future.


Thank you for following this series about pain. I hope you could take something from it.

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