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"Feel flaws less."

Flaws - we all know our flaws, our imperfections.

Are we aware of our QUALITIES as well?


A while ago I asked my Instagram followers the question "What do you appreciate the most about yourself?" 

I didn't get as many responses as I got to my other questions. One answer out of the few hit me the most - "Good question, difficult question." 

I guess if I would have asked "What is one thing, you don't like about yourself?" more people would have an answer to that. It honestly makes me sad thinking about this. I know that many of us, especially many women could get hundreds of words of affirmation a day, but if there is one person, or one situation that points out our weaknesses, that is what many of us couldn't stop thinking about. We would think about this one "negative" fact the whole time. We can have so many good traits and qualities, but we would still let this one thing that we don't like bring us down. Unfortunately, this phenomenon often starts at an early age already. At school for example. Many schools ( in Germany ) and probably at many other places in the world, focus on what the students are not good at, instead of pointing out the great qualities that the students have. How can we feel confident about ourselves, if our flaws are the main focus?

On a side note: Have you ever thought about how what you think might be a flaw, could be used for something positive, or have you ever considered a positive side about it?


Another aspect that is extremely toxic is - comparison.

Many of us keep comparing. We compare ourselves to others, admire their good traits, their beauty, their knowledge, their social media profiles.... the list is long.

All that time that is invested in comparison should be invested in making ourselves feel good, on educating ourselves, on giving ourselves some words of affirmation. We do not gain anything, but anxiety and other terrible feelings by comparing, in fact what we see and judge is so superficial!

You cannot compare yourself to someone else, because each of us is so different and we have no idea what's going on in the lives of others. What we see is just a tiny bit of what is really going on. We have no idea what the other person went through!


Please do me a favor and write down at least five positive facts / qualities about yourself after reading this.


Much love,


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